Love It Bright

Protect the Oak Tree Public House, Stoke

Love it? List it! is the Co-operative Party’s newest campaign to help communities take the first step to protect the loved local places like parks, pubs and post offices from being sold-off.

We're aiming to list over 1,000 local spots as "assets of community value" and fighting to give communities more powers to protect and eventually own the local places that bind them together.

Enter your details using this form to submit your nomination. Just 21 nominations are needed to list a new Asset of Community Value!

Nominations to list assets of community value can be accepted from any group of at least 21 local people who appear on the electoral roll within the local authority, or a neighbouring local authority. The names must also be from separate households. By signing this petition you are agreeing to join an incorporated body which has the aim of listing The Sunlight Centre as an asset of community value. At a later date will also elect a Chair and Secretary to the group. On behalf of the following members of the local community, please list The Oak Tree Public House, London Road, Stoke on Trent, ST4 5NR as an Asset of Community Value; please note that this unincorporated body does not have any assets.

Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom. Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R