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Scrap business rates

High street retailers are significantly impacted by online retailers who are able to provide the same products for less because of not having to pay rents or business rates. The tax system has not kept up with changes to consumer habits.

It simply is not good enough and our high streets so much deserve better, especially after a tough 18 months which saw our high streets serve as a lifeline for so many during the pandemic.

That's why the Co-operative Party is arguing for business rates should be scrapped in favour of a more progressive, much fairer form of business taxation including a land value tax and an increased digital services tax. Until this happens, the tax should urgently be reduced and reformed.

Agree? Join our campaign by adding your name and call on the Government to scrap business rates - it's only by working together can we change their mind.



683 signatures

Help us reach 5,000

Business rates budget

Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom.Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R
