
Let's put co-ops on the curriculum

The co-operative movement is a proud part of our nation's history and one of our most successful ever economic exports. But for co-operatives to be a part of our nation's future, more people need to understand the role co-operatives play in our economy and society.

That's why this Autumn, as the Government launches their review into the National Curriculum for England, we're calling for more information about co-operatives to be taught in schools – educating children to help found the successful businesses of the future.

Let's put co-ops on the curriculum

The co-operative movement is a proud part of our nation's history and one of our most successful ever economic exports. But for co-operatives to be a part of our nation's future, more people need to understand the role co-operatives play in our economy and society.

That's why this Autumn, as the Government launches their review into the National Curriculum for England, we're calling for more information about co-operatives to be taught in schools – educating children to help found the successful businesses of the future.

Join the campaign to put co-ops on the curriculum

Despite contributing over £165bn to the UK economy and employing over a million people in the UK, co-ops are still poorly understood by the UK public. Recent polling found that 50% of UK consumers don’t understand what it means when a business is a co-operative or a mutual, while two fifths (42%) admit they don’t understand what constitutes a co-operative, or how being part of one could benefit themselves and their communities.

Co-ops are an important part of our nation's history and could be a crucial part of our economic future – but that starts by teaching the children of today about co-operatives at school.

That's why we're calling on the Government to ensure that co-ops are part of the National Curriculum for England. Will you join the campaign, and help us build a more co-operative future?

1,470 signatures

Help us reach 1,000

This is a co-operative movement wide campaign which has been developed by the Co-operative Party, the Co-operative College, and Co-operatives UK. Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom. Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R
