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No matter who is in power and no matter who leads the country, co-operation is never out of power because co-operation is about people coming together so nobody gets left behind.

The values that have rooted co-operation since 28 working people formed the first modern cooperative in Rochdale in 1844 haven’t changed even though in the 175 years since they have spread across the world with more two and half million co-operatives and 1 billion members.

Download the report.

The Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission’s reports sets out how to make co-ops flourish here in the city-region of their birth. There are detailed recommendations to encourage co-operation at a community level, to create a co-op friendly environment and the business support to grow and sustain co-ops. Sign up now to download a copy of the report.

The Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission’s reports sets out how to make co-ops flourish here in the city-region of their birth. There are detailed recommendations to encourage co-operation at a community level, to create a co-op friendly environment and the business support to grow and sustain co-ops.

Co-operation is not only about individuals coming together to understand and solve problems. Co-operation is as much about private enterprise, the public sector and the CVS working together to use their assets for a shared goal and a common good.

The recommendations the Commissioners make on co-operation in communities, a co-op friendly environment and business support for co-ops are important if we are to create a new co-operative renaissance as co-operation prepares to enter its third century.

But at the heart of creating a flourishing spirit of co-operation in Greater Manchester are not technical solutions but an idea that brings the best of us all and creates something even better to meet the needs of individuals and communities.


An idea that brings together personal responsibility with collective support.

An idea that gives every individual a stake and a say.

An idea that thinks about tomorrow not just today.

An idea that is local and about your community yet connects the globe from Africa to Asia to Europe to the Americas.

An idea that is about fairness and justice.

Here in Greater Manchester, co-operatives are a part - even if sub-consciously - of who we are. We hold dear the same values all co-operatives share even if we can’t put a name on them.

Democracy. Solidarity. Self-Help. Self-Responsibility. Equity. Equality.

As we face a new decade with new and old challenges, the prize that co-operation can offer is now brighter than ever because the values that underpinned the Rochdale Pioneers in 1844 are still the foundation of every co-operative today.

The GMCA Co-operative Commission has set out how we can realise the prize that co-operation offers for communities and businesses.

But in doing so always remember why co-operation. Because it’s an idea that creates a better world for you, your community and our city.

Our recommendations.

  • Greater Manchester should be designated as a Co-operative Zone with a dedicated resource to offer business advice and support for both existing co-operatives and those who wish to start or convert to a co-operative approach
  • Procurement officers receiving training on the benefits of the co-operative as a legal form for a stable supplier of services, especially in terms of financial strength.
  • The Greater Manchester Co-operative zone to work with banks and other financial organisations to help reduce the barriers to co-operatives accessing finance.
  • Improved support for communities to help them to understand their co-operative options.
  • Greater Manchester Co-operative Zone to work with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation, Manchester Digital and the Greater Manchester Growth Hub to equip business advisors with a basic practical understanding of co-operative approaches.
  • The Greater Manchester Co-operative Zone to help family owned SMEs in Greater Manchester plan for ownership succession and explore conversion to co-operative ownership as a succession option; and to provide access to expert support when business leaders and their workers decide a co-operative conversion is the right option.
  • The Greater Manchester Co-operative Zone to facilitate co-operation between co-operatives in Greater Manchester.

Download the report.

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Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom

Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R