Tower Hamlets
Co-operative Commission

Over the past few months, John Biggs Executive Mayor and Councillor Rachel Blake, Deputy Mayor co-chaired the Tower Hamlets Co-operative Commission. They have led this work with a group of dedicated commissioners, and expert witnesses, from the co-operative movement. The Commission has explored potential mechanisms by which Tower Hamlets Council can empower communities to address some of the thorniest, multi-faceted issues in local government. The focus has been on implementing co-operative principles in practice in the care sector, and energy, fuel and food poverty.

The Commission held a number of evidence sessions to hear from external experts and explore practical solutions from across the country. The aim was to learn about schemes and approaches that have worked elsewhere, and probe how they might, or indeed might not, work in Tower Hamlets. The Council is proud of the work it is already doing in these policy areas but is always eager to learn from other best practice and challenge itself to embrace innovative methods of achieving better outcomes for the community.

Watch the report launch


Afsheen Rashid


Afsheen currently serves as the Chief Executive of Repowering. She is also the Chair of Community Energy England.

Jo White

Jo is the Executive Director of Co-operative Futures and the Chair of Community Shares Initiative

Kemi Akinola

Kemi is currenlty the CEO of Be Enriched and Brixton People's Kitchen as well as serving as a Labour & Co-operative Councillor in Wandsworth

Cllr Rachel Blake

Cllr Blake currenlty serves as the Deputy Mayor for Tower Hamlets and Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Ria Benard

Ria is the Secretary of the London Co-operative Party and previously was worked as a Speech & Language Therapist, providing a service to schools across London

Unmesh Desai AM

Unmesh is currently the Labour and Co-op London Assembly Member for City and East London. He previously served as a Councillor in Newham

Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom.Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R
