Sharing wealth and power

The Co-operative Party was founded in 1917 to be the political voice of the co-operative movement. And for nearly 100 years, we have worked in partnership with the Labour Party as its sister party.

Together, we stand joint candidates for at all levels of government, from parish and town councils up to Parliaments. The Co-operative Party, working with the Labour Party, want to build a Britain where wealth and power are shared.


What is a co-op?

Co‑operatives are businesses owned and run by their customers and staff. Whether customers, employees, suppliers or people who live in the surrounding community, co‑operatives give the people closest to a business an equal say in how it is run and how its profits are used.

The original principles of co‑operation were set out by the Rochdale Pioneers, who created the World’s first modern co‑operative back in 1844.


Our ideas

As co-operators, we believe that the principles that lie behind successful co‑operatives - democratic control by customers and workers, and a fair share of the wealth we create together - ought to extend to the wider economy and our society.

This means things like democratic public ownership of services, tackling the housing crisis through co-operative housing, fans having a say in their sports club, credit unions as an alternative to payday lenders, and shops owned by their customers that give back to their communities.

Our people

We have elected representatives at all levels of local and national government, including:

MPs in Westminster
Members of Scottish Parliament
Welsh Parliament Members
Metro Mayors
Councillors across the UK

The Co-operative Difference

Our elected representatives are making a difference at decision making tables across the UK.

In Wales, a Labour government with co-operative values at its heart has extended the vote to 16-and-17-year olds and brought the railways back into public hands. In Greater Manchester, Co-operative Mayor Andy Burnham is seeking to bring bus networks under local public control. And in councils up and down the country, co-operation is making a difference to local communities, whether it be through community wealth building in places like Preston, or tackling the climate crisis in a way that puts people, not corporations, first, in places like Oxford.

Our campaigns

Food Justice: We’ve worked with councils up and down the country to put in place Food Champions, to increase the uptake of Healthy Start vouchers, and we are campaigning to get a Right to Food put into UK law.

Ending retail violence: In Scotland, we helped pass a law to end violence against retail workers, and worked to do the same in Westminster with our trade union allies.

Protecting our bees: over 20,000 people joined our campaign to uphold the ban on bee-killing pesticides, and we are continuing to protect our essential bee population today.

Fair Tax: Billions are missing from the public purse because some companies don’t pay their fair share. From calling on the Chancellor to Back the Biden Tax to encouraging councils to sign the Fair Tax Declaration, we’re taking action on tax avoidance.

Get involved

If you want to find out more, get involved with our campaigns, and help us make a difference to more communities across the UK, sign up for email updates from the Co-operative Party.

Get involved

Labour Welcome (CLP)

Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom.Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R
