In 2020 Covid-19 came to our doorsteps unexpected, and it showed the inequalities in the world with so many people died.  Black women faced the challenges of socioeconomic and health disparities, which disrupted their daily lives.  Black Lives Matter has been a movement that began in July 2013. In 2020 after the death of George Floyd in a horrific way, it moved a lot of people in the world, but most black people recognised themselves in that incident.  Not only was the world dealing with a crisis of refugees in which 82.4 million people had been forcibly displaced globally, and Europe was trying to adjust to the refugee crisis. Women and girls on the move as refugees face trafficking, rape, period poverty, physical and mental health challenges, and Africa hosts the most significant number of refugees in the world despite its worsening economic problems.  We saw the horrid stories of African women with children drowning in the sea.

Covid-19 became a critical issue as stories unfolded of how black people were affected and dying. Gentrification problems in housing and environmental gentrification are not dealt with holistically. Immigration became contentious as European governments came up with policies, laws, and the national immigration bill in the UK. Black Lives Matter became debatable and became a political question on moving forward to improve diversity, inclusion and race relations. In universities in the UK, 1% are black professors, and 25 are black women. In local authorities, 2 Chief Executive identity as BAME in 58 Local authorities and fewer in management in Councils.

Like many black people in the UK, there is a generation that experienced colonisation and the implication of slavery.  In her book Ain’t I A Woman? – bell hooks writes about understanding the black woman’s intersectionality identity. We cannot talk or solve issues about BLACK WOMEN without discussing the BLACK CHILD. It would be exclusionary, and the stereotypes need to end.  Both their experiences epitomise their racialised identity throughout history. We need to create spaces for black women to sit on the big tables in institutions, government and political parties. They can influence policies, laws, — race equality, police issues, gender issues, violence against women, health inequalities, wages, housing, employment, education, disability, immigration, climate change and politics that transform communities. The Labour and Co-operative Party needs to focus and harness incredible black women and look at racism and immigration to win elections. George Dei said, ‘Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space and better space for everyone.’