Complaints – Co-operative Party

The procedure for submitting a complaint

To make a formal complaint, please complete the form on this page. This will enable us to ensure that all complaints are logged and dealt with appropriately.

Complaints of Sexual Harassment and Safeguarding Concerns

The Party has separate procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns and reporting complaints of sexual harassment. You can find the details of those procedures set out in the guides below. For more information, please contact

Labour and Co-operative Party Independent Support Service
Provided by Victim Support

If you have made, or are considering making, a complaint of sexual harassment against a member of either Labour or the Co-operative Party, the Independent Support Service has been set up to provide you with support. The service will provide support tailored to your individual circumstances and needs and will guide and support you through each Party’s process.

The service is independent, confidential and completely free of charge. Victim Support have a team of dedicated caseworkers who are experienced in supporting those who have experienced sexual harassment.

This can be accessed on 0808 196 9132 or at Opening hours 8am-6pm weekdays, not including Bank Holidays.

If you do wish to make a complaint of sexual harassment, the process for such a complaint can be found below. For more information, contact