Join the Co-operative Party Choose a membership rate: Solidarity Rate: £5.80 per month Standard Rate: £3.80 per month Reduced Income: £2.80 per month Youth (14-19): £3 per year Renew an existing membership We are the political voice of the co-operative movement, working with the Labour Party to build a society where power and wealth are shared. The Co-operative Party is powered by the support of our thousands of members - join today and help us own the future. Join the co-operative movement and show your support for an economy that gives people a say and a stake. Vote in selections for Labour and Co-operative candidates in your area or get support to stand for election yourself. Take part in local, regional and online meetings, to elect officers, develop our campaigns and set our policy platform. Build our campaigns on issues from food justice to fair trade, community assets, fair tax and public ownership. Get involved in our member-led equalities networks for BAME, Disability, LGBTQ+, Women and Youth members. Receive a Co-operative Party membership card and regular updates, including copies of The Pioneer magazine. Questions before you join? Contents Join the Co-operative Party Choose a membership rate: