Ahead of our Annual Conference in September, we have launched our 2016 member-led policy process. This is your chance to shape Co-operative Party policy and help us develop our campaigns over the next few years.
Join us in Exeter to share your views and help the local Party shape our policy platform.
Between 2013-15 we conducted a full review of Party policy. The outcome of this process was a series of 12 policy papers which were passed at Party Conference in 2013 and 2014. These 12 policy papers form the basis of our Agenda for Britain, the Party’s platform for the 2015 General Election.
However, these 12 policy papers are intended to be ‘living documents’ which can be expanded and updated in response to changing circumstances and environment. Following feedback from Party members and review, the policy sub-committee of the NEC agreed to produce three ‘policy summary’ documents based around the following themes:
To attend this event register below – you can also find out more at our online Policy Hub.