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Co-operation Live:

The Great Homes Upgrade

Wednesday 9 November at 6.00pm on Zoom

British homes are notoriously draughty, cold and damp with £1 in every £4 spent on heating wasted because it leaks from poorly insulated homes and, with the cost of energy spiralling, many families will struggle to heat their homes this winter. We need to tackle this at source by insulating cold and draughty homes and potentially cut household energy bills.

The Great Homes Upgrade campaign will get the government to upgrade 19 million of cold homes in the UK by 2030 by retrofitting them and upgrading them to be more energy efficient. Cutting bills, cuttings emissions and protecting us from future price rises. Starting right now.

Join us on Zoom to hear more about the campaign and how we can all work together to achieve this.  With James Butler – Co-operative Party Campaigns Officer, Cllr Tom Renhard – Bristol City Council and Imogen Sykes – People Powered Retrofit.  Followed by a facilitated Q&A chaired by Cllr Emma Hoddinott – Asst. General Secretary.

More details on our campaign are here: https://party.coop/campaign/energy-crisis/upgrade

Please note: this event is live captioned for greater accessibility.


Wednesday, 9 November 2022
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Register to attend


Co-operative Party Events
020 7367 4150

