Community Right to Buy Ready – Support – Co-operative Party

We know how important our local assets are to our communities. Whether that be the local pub, shop, music venue, cinema or leisure centre, its places like these that make up the social fabric of communities across the country – bringing people together and acting as the backdrop to our lives. 

However, over recent years the sad decline of the British high street paired with the UK’s stunted economic growth has meant our communities are being hollowed out of the assets that we all find important.  

Far too many high streets have empty, boarded up buildings that quickly become an eyesore. They may wait years, becoming increasingly dilapidated and vandalised, before eventually being bought by large companies who often have little interest in any long-term benefit to the community. 

The UK Government has committed to strengthening the powers available to communities including a first refusal on a wider range of assets of community value, reviewing the definition of community assets in existing legislation, and doubling the time period for communities to raise finance to buy assets of community value from six months to twelve as well as a Community Right to Buy. 

At The Co-operative Party we're providing our Labour & Co-operative Councillors with the tools to get Community Right to Buy Ready.


Community Right to Buy Ready Hands Up