In July, the people of Scotland played their part in the election of a Labour and Co-operative Government across the UK.  This included the election of three official Co-operative Party MPs in Scotland and many other co-operators being elected to the House of Commons from Scotland.  That new government will promote growing the Co-operative Economy, promoting co-operative community renewable energy schemes, and promoting community empowerment.

Next week the Scottish Government will outline its Programme for Government.  We recognise that this tired SNP Administration has run out of ideas and needs replaced with a Scottish Labour and Co-operative Administration led by Anas Sarwar.

We are looking forward to delivering change in Scotland in 2026 but in the meantime here are some of the things that we would like to see included in the Programme for Government.

Double the Size of the Co-operative Economy

The UK Government is committed to growing the Co-operative economy.  We want to see an equal commitment from the Scottish Government to grow the Co-operative economy.  This needs more than warm words about the co-operative sector it needs to be backed up by action.

Promote Community Energy

For too long we have relied on energy produced and owned abroad -empowering oligarchs, while multinationals make record profits.

We need locally produced energy to be owned by local people and the benefits from its production to remain with local communities.  We want to see the Scottish Government supporting community and co-operatively owned renewable energy schemes.

Empower local communities

We want to see the Scottish Government empowering local communities across Scotland.  We believe that people in communities understand the needs of their community.  Communities should have a real say in how facilities in their area are run.  We want to see facilities like pubs and community halls genuinely owned by the community.  Communities should also have a say over the ownership of land and shops in their area.

The Right to Food

Scottish Co-operative Party MSP Rhoda Grant is promoting her Right to Food Bill.  It is a disgrace that families are still going hungry in Scotland in 2024.  On behalf of those families who are struggling to feed their children we are calling on the Scottish Government to support Rhoda Grant’s Bill and ensure that it has sufficient time to get through the Scottish Parliament.

We look forward to campaigning for the election of a Scottish Labour and Co-operative Government in 2026 but in the meantime, we are calling on the present Scottish Government to deliver a fairer, more co-operative Scotland.