14th November 2014 Scottish Co-operative Party announces nominations for Scottish Labour leadership benwest The Scottish Co-operative Party has agreed to back Sarah Boyack MSP for leader and Kezia Dugdale MSP for Deputy Leader.
29th October 2014 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Railways (Public Sector Operators) Andy Sawford Full text of speech given in House of Commons by Andy Sawford introducing his 10 minute rule bill on rail ownership.
15th October 2014 Speech by Ed Balls at Co-operative Party Conference benwest Extract of remarks by Labour & Co-operative Shadow Chancellor at this year's Party Conference in London
3rd October 2014 Scottish Co-operative Party calls for suspension of ScotRail franchise process benwest Calls for the suspension of the franchise process until the new powers for the Scottish Parliament are settled
25th September 2014 Address to Labour Party Conference Gareth Thomas MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Department for Business and Trade Co-operative Party Chair Gareth Thomas delivers fraternal greetings from the Party at this year's Labour Party Conference in Manchester
11th September 2014 Power belongs to the people – not in Westminster or Holyrood Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) We believe that power belongs not in Westminster or Holyrood or even in Scotland’s town halls. Power belongs to the people.
9th September 2014 ‘We Need a More Co-operative Capital’ a call from leading London Labour figures benwest Co-operative values can help meet some of the most pressing challenges faced by Londoners, say key Labour figures
30th July 2014 Co-operative Party success in influencing Labour policy benwest The Co-operative Party has three representatives on Labour’s National Policy Forum (NPF), which is made up of 186 members drawn from across the Labour Party, including Parliamentarians, local government, trade unions and other affiliated organisations.