26th April 2022 As young members in the East Midlands, we’re campaigning hard in these local elections. Adam Wisdish East Midlands Representative on the Co-operative Party Youth Network Committee Over the weekend, we ran a Young Labour and Young Co-operative campaign day in Derby and Amber Valley, supporting two excellent young candidates. Both Joel and Phillip have been working hard to prove that young people can have an outsized say in elections: both are among the hardest working campaigners in these sets of local elections.
18th April 2022 What’s next for tackling dirty money and opening up ownership in Britain? Joe Powell Co-founder of Kensington Against Dirty Money Six years after it was first promised by Government, an Economic Crime Act was finally passed to increase transparency over who owns and controls property . But more needs to be done to break Britain’s unhealthy relationship with illicit finance, and build a more democratic property ownership system that works for everyone.
13th April 2022 It’s time to end the failed privatisation of asylum seeker accommodation. Kate Osamor Labour & Co-operative MP for Edmonton & Winchmore Hill As one of the richest countries on earth, the UK has a duty to those who arrive on our shores having fled war, violence, and other forms of persecution.
13th April 2022 Urgent action is needed to save access to cash for so many across the country. Martin Bailey Labour & Co-operative Candidate for Vauxhall Ward on Lambeth Council Levelling-up, across the entire UK, means not leaving those already on the fringes of our increasingly technology based society even further behind with no means to catch-up.
12th April 2022 It’s no surprise that Co-operative councils are at the forefront of empowering communities to take control of their own energy production. James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) Here are three examples of councils who have community energy at the heart of their local election manifesto this year.
12th April 2022 Co-operative-led councils like Lewisham are leading the way on providing sanctuary for those who need it most. Cllr Kevin Bonavia Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees & Accountability on Lewisham Council Globally we are now facing the greatest humanitarian catastrophe since the Second World War. Many of us in public service are using the best co-operative principles in harnessing our communities to provide effective sanctuary and support for our fellow human beings.
11th April 2022 The Government must come forward with an active approach to delivering a comprehensive food strategy. Daniel Zeicher Shadow Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries Bringing together 100 people from leading retailers, manufacturers, distributors and the whole food supply chain, the Food Resilience Industry Forum proved to be effective at raising issues.
8th April 2022 Scottish Co-operative Ideas Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) Scottish Labour launched its Local Election Manifesto at New Lanark. Appropriately for a launch at a mill with such a strong co-operative history there is a Co-operative thread running all the way through the Scottish Labour manifesto.
6th April 2022 The Government’s decision to sell Channel 4 risks damaging a much-loved national institution and cultural asset. Daniel Monaghan Policy Officer A mutual business, owned by the viewing public, creatives, employees, and under-represented voices, would be a model that serves the British public and promotes the independence of Channel 4.