Blog – Page 29 – Co-operative Party

Why We Should All Love Unions

It’s Heart Unions week, a time when we tell the stories of why unions are vital for everyone at work and encourage people who aren't yet in a union to join.

person filling beer on glass

Co-operating for a Community Pub in South London

When a pub closes it can really rip out the heart of a neighbourhood. For many people in Walworth, South London, where I’m a councillor, the Beehive was the epitome of a community pub. Not just a place to grab a drink, but a place to meet neighbours, make new friends and hold landmark events from weddings to wakes.

Co-operative Party Chair’s Update

Our membership is increasing, and with over 13,000 members we now have more than at any time in the Party’s history. With significant elections coming up, we’re putting ourselves in the best possible position to increase the size of our political representation.