Blog – Page 30 – Co-operative Party
person wearing red jacket

Social or Co-operative Care?

The cost of social care currently is around £23.3 billion, although this may seem a lot, the Government has been cutting the social care budget over many years, leaving local authorities underfunded and unable to provide anything other than very basic essential care.


First Meeting of the Diverse Council Working Group

Expertly chaired by Cllr Anntoinette Bramble and Baroness Debbie Wilcox, this group of councillors will be meeting regularly over the next few months to develop a strategy for increasing diversity in council chambers across England.

We’re committing to proactively working to end modern slavery in Birmingham

Seeking to reduce the risk and harm of modern slavery as a local authority is something that we’ve been committed to for some time. One of the ways in which we do so is by looking closely at our supply chains and procurement practices.