28th January 2021 Scottish Budget Day – Invest in our Communities Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland)
25th January 2021 Don’t sit on the fence about online campaigning – even newcomers can give it a go! Michael Yates Labour & Co-operative Councillor Candidate for Bolsover North All I can say as a relative newcomer to online campaigning is to get on the computer and give it a go. I did and I can speak from personal experience when I say not just how easy I found it but also how useful I’ve found it.
24th January 2021 The Co-operative Party’s equalities journey Chantal Lee Equalities Officer In her first weeks as the Co-operative Party's new Equalities Officer, Chantal Lee reflects on the ways in which the Co-operative Party and movement have championed equality, opportunities to improve diversity in politics and public life, and how she will help to lead the next, exciting chapter as we strive for a fairer and more equal society.
19th January 2021 Co-operation has been key to the Covid-19 response in Wales. If we elect more Co-operative MSs, we can build on that vital work. Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary We have 20 candidates standing in seats right across Wales: all co-operators ready to continue putting our values into action.
14th January 2021 A printer shouldn’t stand between a hungry child and access to food Georgia O’Brien Head of Digital and Communications Access to some of the key food poverty prevention schemes can be difficult for those who are digitally excluded. This underlines that we need a joined-up approach to tackling food poverty, both at a local and national level.
11th January 2021 With another lockdown upon us, it’s never been more important to promote Healthy Start. Cllr Fiona Venner Labour Councillor for Kirkstall and Executive Member for Children & Families, Leeds City Council The Healthy Start Scheme could be an easy way to improve the nutrition of children and families in Leeds and beyond but sadly, in common with the rest of the country, we’ve seen what appears to be a drop in the take up.
7th January 2021 Co-operative Party endorsed candidates for the Scottish Labour List Selection 2021 Rita Miller Chair of the Scottish Co-operative Party
31st December 2020 Maria Fyfe – Force of Nature, Champion of Remember Mary Barbour Campaign Johann Lamont Chair, Co-operative Party Scottish Parliament Group
19th December 2020 Making the co-operative difference in 2020 Joe Fortune General Secretary We can reflect on a year within the Co-operative Party and movement with real pride and take huge inspiration for the future.