Blog – Page 45 – Co-operative Party

The struggle behind closed doors for unpaid carers

Unpaid carers, especially young carers, have been hit harder than most by Coronavirus. East of England Co-op has responded by putting unpaid carers at the heart of its response to the pandemic.

We need a conversation about the ownership of our ports

The effects of Covid, Brexit and Christmas, compounded by the drive for private optimal performance, has UK Ports unable to deal with anything other than business as usual. Looking into an uncertain future, it's time to look forwards to a more resilient business model.

assorted fruits on brown wooden crate

Fighting for Food Justice from opposition in Devon

With over 40 Conservative Councillors and just 7 Labour on Devon County Council, Cllr Councillor Su Aves knew it was a challenging political environment for food justice. But with help from co-operators, they've taken a step forward.

Help give children a Healthy Start

As take up of Healthy Start Vouchers falls, we need to ensure they actually reach the hands of those who need them most.