4th March 2020 Co-operative Party Assembly Group backs #SheDeserves campaign for Living Wages and Fair Trade Huw Irranca-Davies Chair of the Welsh Parliament Co-operative Group (Grwp Cydweithredol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) and Member of the Senedd for Ogmore Wales was the first in the world to become a Fair Trade Nation, and we will continue to work with women producers until they get what #SheDeserves.
4th March 2020 I’ve seen the difference Fairtrade can make – but that progress is under threat. Preet Kaur Gill MP Chair of the Co-operative Party Parliamentary Group and Labour & Co-operative MP for Birmingham Edgbaston Fairtrade Fortnight should be a time to celebrate the success of just trade – but the potential closure of DFID and the Government’s post-Brexit trade agreements threaten to open countries up to more exploitation.
27th February 2020 Time to invest in our local communities Sarah Boyack MSP for Lothian It is time for a fair deal for local government that will allow councils to provide the vital services that communities badly need.
27th February 2020 Not another quango – Consumer Scotland must empower consumers Jackie Baillie Member of the Scottish Parliament For a body dealing with consumer issues, it is important that consumers are represented.
21st February 2020 Is commonhold the answer to leaseholders trapped by unsafe cladding? Dermot Mckibbin Housing activist and Co-operative Party member Nine in ten private blocks with Grenfell-style cladding are still covered in cladding - meaning leaseholders are stuck in unsafe homes with significant bills. These voters need Labour - work with the Co-operative Party on leasehold reform and commonhold tenure are a good start.
6th February 2020 Scottish Co-op MSPs challenge the Scottish Government to stop the cuts to our communities Rhoda Grant MSP MSP for Highlands and Islands Sarah Boyack MSP for Lothian It is high time that the SNP Government provided councils with the resources that they need and bring an end to the age of austerity in our councils.
5th February 2020 How will new Scottish National Investment Bank support co-ops? Claudia Beamish MSP for South Scotland and Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change It is important that co-operatives and mutually owned businesses are recognised and encouraged through the Scottish National Investment Bank.
30th January 2020 A Co-operative Manifesto for London Ria Bernard Secretary, London Co-operative Party Joe Simpson Co-operative Party Representative to London Labour Regional Board Our first chance to bounce back after the General Election is a resounding win in the GLA elections - so we are engaging with Sadiq’s team to make sure we have an ambitious manifesto to help make that happen. And we're clear that it’s not just what you do, it’s the way that you do it.
30th January 2020 The 2020 Local Elections are a challenge and an opportunity Joe Fortune General Secretary