19th December 2019 Co-operative Party Disciplinary Committee elections open Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary The current term of the Co-operative Party’s Disciplinary Committee (CPDC) finishes in May and we are now seeking new members for 2020-23.
19th December 2019 Nominations to the NEC now open Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary Could you help steer our Party though the next three years to 2023? Nominations are now open for elections to the Co-operative Party’s NEC, to take office for from June 2020.
17th December 2019 People Powered Climate Action Tom Hayes Oxford City Councillor for St. Clement's Ward and Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford Truly, there isn’t a problem facing local government today to which there isn’t a co-operative solution. That’s as much the reality for our climate crisis, which councils are increasingly recognising, as it is for anything else we councillors are facing.
26th November 2019 A vote for Scottish Labour & Co-op candidates is a vote to Build a Fairer Scotland Paul Sweeney MSP MSP for Glasgow I am a co-operator and I want Scotland to be a place where wealth and power are shared.
21st November 2019 Our top ten wins for the co-operative movement in Labour’s manifesto Anna Birley Labour's manifesto includes many of the ideas put forward in our ‘Building a fairer future’ policy platform. Here's a list of some of our favourites - proposals that will ensure co-operative values and principles are at the heart of the next Parliament.
11th November 2019 The Co-operative Party’s message is clear – young people cannot be forgotten. Olivia Fletcher For too long, the needs of young people have been pushed to the bottom of the political agenda. The Co-operative Party is changing that.
9th November 2019 Traditional banking is failing – but the credit union movement is stepping up Marian Craig This election gives us the opportunity to fix our services and fight for change.
8th November 2019 Climate change is here – and it’s co-operation that will save us Tina Bhartwas As a young co-operator, the Co-operative Party’s Policy Platform with a Co-operative Green New Deal at its forefront gives me hope.
5th November 2019 Working co-operatively for sustainable and just food systems Poppy Nicol Alice Taherzadeh Our new report suggests co-operative ways of working could and should play an important role in fostering sustainable and just food systems in Wales.