23rd January 2020 To get our railways back on track we need democratic public ownership Robin Wilde Communications Officer Not even a month into a new decade, two more of Britain's railway operators are in trouble. The Government's short term nationalisation plans aren't the answer: only democratic public ownership will create accountable railways run for the benefit of passengers and staff.
16th January 2020 Now we’re (sausage) rolling: Greggs shares its profits Ian Hayes Policy Intern Greggs, the high street baker renowned for steak bakes and sending Piers Morgan into a rage over vegetable-based flakey pastry, announced last week they were sharing their better than expected profits with their workforce.
14th January 2020 What is in it for co-operators? Joe Fortune General Secretary Today we have written to all the Labour Leadership and Deputy Leadership contenders with a simple question: ‘why should co-operators give you their support?’ We look forward to being able to share their answers to our members and supporters.
21st December 2019 It’s time for a People’s ScotRail Neil Bibby MSP for West Scotland An ownership model which puts maximising shareholder benefit first has been shown to be a poor deal for the travelling public in Scotland.
19th December 2019 A co-operative alternative to the Queen’s Speech Rob Bates Former Political and Parliamentary Officer Today's Queen's Speech was a missed opportunity to adopt co-operative solutions. Here are some of the priorities we would have liked to have seen included.
19th December 2019 Co-operative Party Disciplinary Committee elections open Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary The current term of the Co-operative Party’s Disciplinary Committee (CPDC) finishes in May and we are now seeking new members for 2020-23.
19th December 2019 Nominations to the NEC now open Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary Could you help steer our Party though the next three years to 2023? Nominations are now open for elections to the Co-operative Party’s NEC, to take office for from June 2020.
17th December 2019 People Powered Climate Action Tom Hayes MP MP for Bournemouth East Truly, there isn’t a problem facing local government today to which there isn’t a co-operative solution. That’s as much the reality for our climate crisis, which councils are increasingly recognising, as it is for anything else we councillors are facing.
26th November 2019 A vote for Scottish Labour & Co-op candidates is a vote to Build a Fairer Scotland Paul Sweeney MSP MSP for Glasgow I am a co-operator and I want Scotland to be a place where wealth and power are shared.