23rd May 2019 Trafford to have strong political and corporate focus on food poverty Cllr Andrew Western Leader of Trafford Council As Leader of a Labour Council, I am determined to pursue an agenda which addresses the needs of Trafford residents...I’ve clarified the Community and Partnership’s portfolio holder’s responsibilities to include tackling food poverty so that we have a strong political and corporate focus on addressing this growing crisis
22nd May 2019 Eating or heating? United Nations report shames government on extreme poverty James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) Glue that has held society together "deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos" says Philip Aston, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Help us push the government on zero hunger.
21st May 2019 Government’s largest suppliers not compliant with Modern Slavery Act James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) 29% of the Government’s largest suppliers are not compliant with the Modern Slavery Act. Compliance is not a ‘nice to have’, it’s the law – and yet there is no penalty for noncompliance
21st May 2019 Democratising energy: our thoughts on Labour’s energy proposals Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Labour's proposals for publicly owned energy networks were published last week. As these plans develop, our General Secretary Claire McCarthy puts forward the case for further widening ownership and democratising the sector.
16th May 2019 Richer Sounds shows that employee ownership should be the ‘new normal’ Caitlin Prowle Head of Political Affairs In an economy that is increasingly working in the interests of the wealthy, it’s time to make the collective strength of employee-ownership the 'new normal'.
7th May 2019 Are social rights a way to tackle food insecurity? Imogen Richmond-Bishop Right to Food Project Coordinator at Sustain and Policy and Advocacy Manager at Just Fair “We need to accept social rights! Surely the British electorate can be mobilised by a right to social protection!” Professor Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on the poverty and human rights at a public event in London in April 2019.
30th April 2019 Local election roundup: co-operative ideas in local manifestos Anna Birley Caitlin Prowle Head of Political Affairs This Thursday is election day for over 500 co-operative candidates across England from Swale to Sunderland. We took a look at some of their manifestos to see the difference that co-operative councillors could make…
26th April 2019 Reaching consensus in tackling climate change through Citizens Assemblies Tom Hayes Oxford City Councillor for St. Clement's Ward and Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford Building on the Co-operative Party’s longstanding commitment to action on climate change and our belief that we can achieve more for our environment when working co-operatively than we can alone, I’m pleased to be outlining plans for a Citizens Assembly for dealing with our climate crisis.
18th April 2019 Free meals for kids in Greenwich Cllr Danny Thorpe Leader of Royal Borough of Greenwich I have seen first-hand the difference our meals make when dropping into to meet some of the young people tucking into their bowl of spaghetti, or making their own chicken salad wraps, before they run off to play with their mates.