28th July 2016 The FA receives £30m of our money. Isn’t it time we had some say in English football’s governing body? James Scott With the Government demanding long-overdue reform of the FA, it's clear that the Game can only thrive with fans at its heart
27th July 2016 An alternative to BHS-style capitalism isn’t just a dream. It’s out there, and it works. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer The Co-op CEO has written to the Times newspaper making the case for the co-operative alternative
26th July 2016 Is the government washing its hands of the social care crisis? James Scott The Co-operative Party’s Policy Officer James Scott reacts to news that Social Care Ministerial Oversight has been reduced in the new Government.
25th July 2016 Not waiting for Whitehall: Councils are re-shaping local economies right now Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) Local and regional leaders do not have to wait for more powers to be handed out from Whitehall. They can take action and begin to rebalance our economy right away.
15th July 2016 Co-operative Potential for Liverpool City Region Luciana Berger MP After speaking in a Westminster Hall debate on co-operatives' contribution to the economy, Luciana Berger outlines her co-operative vision for the Liverpool City Region.
15th July 2016 Labour Leadership Election Shane Brogan Membership Manager As in previous UK Labour Leadership elections, Co-operative Party membership does not entitle you to a vote. To vote you must be a Labour Party member, registered supporter or affiliated supporter.
12th July 2016 Why buses are so important to National Parks Ruth BradshawPolicy and research manager for Campaign for National Parks As the Lords debate changes in the law that would require bus companies to consult communities before changing routes, Ruth Bradshaw of Campaign for National Parks explains what the changes would mean for some of our most special places.
8th July 2016 Co-operative Party Nominates Luciana Berger for Liverpool Regional Mayor benwest The North West North Co-operative Party has backed Luciana Berger MP's bid to become Mayor of Liverpool City Region
6th July 2016 Putting passengers back into the buses bill Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer A voice for passengers is missing from the Government's Bus Services Bill. Co-operative Peers are working to put it back in.