8th July 2016 Co-operative Party Nominates Luciana Berger for Liverpool Regional Mayor benwest The North West North Co-operative Party has backed Luciana Berger MP's bid to become Mayor of Liverpool City Region
6th July 2016 Putting passengers back into the buses bill Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer A voice for passengers is missing from the Government's Bus Services Bill. Co-operative Peers are working to put it back in.
5th July 2016 Co-operative MPs tell government to back mutual solution to financial exclusion benwest As traditional banks abandon many of our poorest communities, Co-operative MPs have called for financial mutuals such as building societies and credit unions to take their place.
1st July 2016 Welsh Co-operative AMs Mark Progress this Co-operatives Fortnight benwest This Co-operatives Fortnight, the Party's Welsh Assembly members have been working to highlight the growth of the Welsh co-operative movement in recent years, and urging the Welsh government to continue pushing forward in its support.
28th June 2016 A lighthouse in uncertain waters Gavin Shuker As we enter unchartered waters following the result of last weeks’ referendum, we will be working to ensure our movement offers answers.
21st June 2016 Co-operative MSPs Mark Co-operatives Fortnight Johann Lamont Chair, Co-operative Party Scottish Parliament Group Co-operatives have a long and distinguished history in Scotland - but it is important that the Scottish Government and local authorities look to promote co-operatives in twenty-first century Scotland too.
14th June 2016 Co-operatives UK: Standing up for staying in Nick Matthews Chair of Co-ops UK Internationalism has always been at the heart of the co-op movement – which is why Co-operatives UK supports remaining in the EU, writes its Chair, Nick Matthews.
8th June 2016 Fear and fatalism stalk the debate on social care – co-operative values point to a better way James Scott There is a gap in public debates about wellbeing and care - co-operative models can create services that boost social capital and improve health outcomes.
26th May 2016 Co-operation between European countries? Co-operatives depend on it. Andrew Raimondi Co-operation between European countries remains crucial for the co-operative movements within them to thrive.