Briefing:2017 Policy Process From: James Scott For attention of: All Party Members, Party Branch Secretaries Published: 7th December 2016 Last updated: 7th December 2017 Printed: 23rd February 2025 Other formats: Print Here's what you need to know to ensure your local party is able to get involved and input into this year's policy development process. The 2016 policy process was a success. The Party received many high-quality submissions from individual members, branches and parties, our subscribing societies and co-operative organisations. These submissions provided campaign ideas and highlighted the policy areas we should focus on next. After considering all submissions and debates at the Party’s annual conference in Cardiff, the Policy Subcommittee of the National Executive Committee signed off a plan for the 2017 policy process. Here is an overview of the plan for the 2017 policy process: While the 2016 process considered the whole policy platform agreed prior to the last General Election, the 2017 process will focus on two in-depth specific areas of policy. The Policy Subcommittee have selected Education and Housing as the priority areas for 2017. These areas were chosen due to the high number of responses in these areas during the 2016 process, and as they represent strategically important areas of policy development for the party. Education and housing consultation documents will be circulated to all members in December. These will be accompanied by a set of questions for members to guide their submission. It is recommended that you arrange a policy discussion for you local party on education, housing or both in either January or February. This will mean there is no conflict with election activities in March and April. The deadline for submissions from individual members, branches and local parties is Friday the 30th June. After the deadline, all submissions will be considered by the Policy Subcommittee of the NEC and a report outlining their responses will be published prior to the Party’s annual conference in October. The submissions and Policy Subcommittee responses will then form the basis of policy debates at annual conference. We are keen to help facilitate local policy discussions. If you would like national party staff member to attend your policy discussion and collate feedback, please let me know. Action Points Ensure that you receive this year's policy documents and that they are circulated locallyThese will be emailed to you and be available to download from the website Arrange a policy discussion for you local party This can be on education, housing or both in either January or February. Make your submission before the 30th June deadlineThe deadline for submissions from individual members, branches and local parties is Friday the 30th June. For more information Anna Birley Policy Officer Resources 2017 Policy Consultation: Housing 2017 Policy Consultation: Education