Campaign Briefing : Modern Slavery

Emma Hoddinott
For attention of:
14th November 2017
Last updated:
7th December 2017
24th February 2025
Other formats:

The Co-operative movement is taking steps to tackling the issue of modern slavery. From Labour & Co-operative MPs and Peers seeking to guarantee all victims at least 12 months care and support; to the Co-operative Group providing paid employment opportunities for victims.


The Co-operative movement is at the forefront of tackling the issue of modern slavery. From Labour & Co-operative MPs and Peers seeking to guarantee all victims at least 12 months care and support; to the Co-operative Group providing paid employment opportunities for victims.

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern Slavery is the one of the great evils of our time and it’s happening under our noses. In nail bars, car washes, farms, factories and restaurants, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people in the UK could be victims.

The term ‘Modern Slavery’ captures a whole range of types of exploitation, many of which occur together. These include but are not limited to:

  • sexual exploitation
  • domestic servitude
  • forced labour
  • criminal exploitation
  • other forms of exploitation: organ removal; forced begging; forced benefit fraud; forced marriage and illegal adoption.

What role do local authorities have?

Local authorities have a number of statutory duties under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This includes the duty to notify the Home Office of any individual encountered in England and Wales who they believe is a suspected victim of slavery or human trafficking.

More information is here

However, there is a lot more councils can do to raise awareness and ensure their own supply chains don’t contribute to modern slavery.

Examples of action

What should I do if I find instances of Modern Slavery?

Modern Slavery is a criminal offence in the UK and if you suspect this is occurring you should report it immediately.

  • In an emergency call the Police on 999.
  • If you want to speak in confidence to a trained adviser in order to receive help, advice or guidance on any modern slavery issue call: – Modern Slavery Helpline: 0800 0121 700
  • Police – 101
  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority – 0800 432 0804
  • Crimestoppers – 0800 555111
Action Points
  • If you find instances of Modern Slavery or Human Rights abuses you should take action immediately.
  • Sign up to the Co-operative Party’s Charter Against Modern Slavery
  • Ensure your supply chain doesn’t support modern slavery.
  • Modern Slavery Helpline
    If you want to speak in confidence to a trained adviser in order to receive help, advice or guidance on any modern slavery issue call: 0800 0121 700
For more information
Emma Hoddinott