Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

John Boyle
For attention of:
28th January 2021
Last updated:
28th January 2021
15th February 2025
Other formats:

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

22nd February to the 8th March

to all officers in the Party.

FT14 in 2021 will concentrate on Climate Change. Details from the Fairtrade Foundation website are below.

We cannot hold a street stall  for obvious reasons, so we have to take to the internet.

Members will remember the fortnight if they learn from it and enjoy it. They will then support FT for the rest of the year and beyond.

So 3 suggestions, but local members should decide what they wish to do

One: –  members active; buy some FT products from their local Co-op. Then eat or drink them and tweet; Facebook and or Instagram about that product(s) where they came from, who was helped in the journey of that product. They should include @coopparty  @coopuk @FairtradeUK and @FairtradeFoundation in twitter and Facebook; and coopparty; fairtradeuk on Instagram. So important to put a photo with it. If members have bought their goods from a Co-op  other than Co-op Group, then we ask them to put twitter, FB or Instagram handle on their social media post. See below for twitter handles.

Two: Events and promotion– hold a zoom event at which you have a speaker or debate on FT especially on its pros and cons and the importance of the theme this year. (that should encourage good debate). All members to be encouraged to put @coopparty  @coopuk @FairtradeUK and @FairtradeFoundation in twitter and Facebook; and coopparty; fairtradeuk on Instagram. It is so important to put a photo with it. So photo all the members on the Zoom eating or drinking said FT goods. If members are in a Society trading area other than the Co-operative Group with the twitter handle @coopuk, I encourage members to put the relevant Co-op that they use to buy Fairtrade goods.

@mycoopfood (that’s Central England Co-op); @CStarCoop (Chelmsford Star)  @EoECoop (East of England) @Scotmid (Scotmid Co-op) @midcountiescoop (Midcounties Co-op) @lakes_dalescoop (part of Scotmid) there is also @TheSouthernCoop (Southern Co-operative) @TamworthCoop (Tamworth Co-op)  @RadstockCoop (Radstock Co-operative) @lincscoop (Lincolnshire Co-op)  Also one of our subscribing members @revolverworld (Revolver Co-operative)

Three: – Get political. The Fairtrade Towns movement has shrunk. But most councils in the UK did become Fairtrade Towns and such or were working towards that registration, Scotland and Wales became FT Nations! Get members to ask their Local Authority if they still support Fairtrade. Yes I know the pandemic has made this difficult, yes Councils have had enormous cuts. Fairtrade lifts people out of poverty across the world, but also creates sales, work and education here in the UK. Can your branch revive Fairtrade activity, or support existing, and raise the profile of the Co-operative Movement and the Party ?

Important tasks suggested for members to do

Ask the FT foundation for a pack, which is itself designed for using social media.

Ask your local Co-op what they are doing for FT14, and can you help, hold joint event?

Buy Fairtrade goods


Notes from FT Foundation