National Executive Committee and Disciplinary Committee Elections

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
6th January 2020
Last updated:
7th January 2020
24th February 2025
Other formats:

Do you have the co-operative experience and commitment to help to guide the Co-operative Party for the next three years? Nominations for elections to the Party’s NEC for 2020-23 are open now until 6 February.

On the NEC Elections webpage you will find everything you need to know about the role of the NEC, who can stand for election, the timetable and the process.

Election for the eleven national and regional places and the Youth representative is by self-nomination, followed by a one member, one vote ballot.

To stand for one of the two NEC places that are elected by and from our subscribing Societies and affiliates, please contact your Society or affiliate to seek a nomination.

Nominations are open too for the Disciplinary Committee.  The Co-operative Party’s Disciplinary Committee (CPDC) is an elected body, separate to the NEC, which plays an important part in ensuring that the rules and standards of the Party are maintained.

The size of the CPDC has been increased for this election to two per nation/region to help to ensure diversity on the Committee and we particularly encourage BAME, LGBT+ and disabled members to stand for election. Members who have relevant experience or training e.g. through their trade union are also urged to apply.

Candidates for the CPDC must have been a member of the Co-operative Party for five years and live in the nation or region for which they are seeking nomination. See here for everything you need to know.

If you have any questions about either election, please contact  Karen Wilkie

Action Points
For more information
Karen Wilkie

Board Secretary