Briefing:Policy Consultation: Community, place and power From: Anna Birley For attention of: All Party Members Published: 18th January 2019 Last updated: 31st January 2019 Printed: 23rd February 2025 Other formats: Print The Co-operative Party's 2019 policy consultation process is now open. These consultations are an opportunity to have your say on the Party's position on key issues. Submissions made via the process form the starting point for debates at regional conferences throughout the year, and at Annual Conference, which is held each October. 2019 policy process Community, place and power is one of two consultations which comprise this year’s member policy process. Policy Process 2019: Briefing for officers Climate change, energy and environment Briefing Downloadable materials This briefing is also available as a printer-friendly PDF: Discussion paper – Community, Place and PowerWith information about the 2019 policy process and questions to discuss and consider when making a response to the 'Community, Place and Power' consultation. Background briefing – Community, Place and PowerWith context to this policy consultation topic, and an overview of existing party policy on community, place and power Make a policy submission Once you’ve read the information and questions above, you’re invited to share your ideas and thoughts by making a policy submission. Any individual member or party unit can make a submission, which can be done by either uploading a document or by answering a short online questionnaire. Make a submission Contents2019 policy processBriefingDownloadable materialsDiscussion paper – Community, Place and PowerBackground briefing – Community, Place and PowerMake a policy submission Action Points Make a submission onlineSubmissions can be submitted via an online questionnaire or uploaded document (More) Organise an event locallyThis could be as part of an ordinary branch meeting, or one specially organised for this purpose. If you'd like your event to be listed on the website, you can submit it here. (More) Submissions must be made by the end of June For more information For more information about the Process, support organising an event or if you have a question about making a submission, contact: Anna Birley Resources Background briefing – Community, Place and Power Discussion paper – Community, Place and Power Policy Process 2019: Information for Officers29th January 2019 Policy Consultation: Climate change, energy and environment18th January 2019