End the de facto ban on onshore wind – Co-operative Party

End the de facto ban on onshore wind


The de facto ban on cheap and green onshore wind has cost families in England an average of £180 a year. Since 2015, thousands of jobs have been lost in renewable industries, with jobs in the supply chain being moved abroad.

Renewable energy like onshore wind is an essential part of how we as a country can tackle climate change and cut energy bills. But despite promises to the contrary, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has allowed draconian rules to remain in place that block all but a few onshore wind projects from going ahead.

This year, a community in Bristol erected the largest turbine in England – and it is 100% community-owned. But because of Rishi Sunak's rules, communities owning and profiting from onshore wind are the exception, rather than the norm.

Onshore wind will create jobs, save people money on their energy bills, and help protect our environment. Will you join us and sign our petition calling on the Government to relax the draconian rules on onshore wind, and support communities who want to own and profit from wind power?

2,059 signatures

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