Contributed by Community the Union

Our Community Offer

5 key reasons to join

Community, the modern union for a changing world, was formed in 2004, following the amalgamation of the steelworkers’ union, the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation (ISTC) with the National Union of Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel Trades (KFAT). Over the years, in response to the changes in the economy, Community has broadened its focus from traditional manufacturing, and now represents members in a growing range of sectors, including justice, custodial and immigration services, logistics, charities, betting, financial services, and self-employed workers. The union has over 30,000 members and continues to grow its membership across the UK economy. 

Community’s name came from our ethos that trade unionism should not be confined to the workplace. We represent our members at work, but also in the community. We understand how what happens in our members’ homes and communities can affect what happens in the workplace and vice-versa. We will always remain true to the historic trade union principle of protecting and supporting people from the cradle to the grave and in every aspect of their lives.  

This approach fits with the best traditions of the union movement and it recognises the fact that issues that affect people in their personal lives have consequences for their working lives too. Community seeks to organise change locally to build stronger communities, for the benefit of members. 

While we are proud of our industrial past, and of the growing diversity of sectors we represent, we also recognise the world continues to change. That is why we are a union looking to the future – whether that be through the creation of the Commission on Workers and Technology that aims to develop and champion progressive ideas for centring workers voices as automation is introduced into their workplaces or through our work to represent the self-employed 

We achieve the best for our members by working with, rather than against good employers. It is better to be sat round the table rather than shouting from the fringes. We want to ensure workers are prepared for whatever changes they may face in the changing world of work and this approach can help employers 

Community offer 

The world of work has changed massively in the past few decades and so too has the labour market, Community understands that unions also need to change if they are to keep up, remain relevant and protect the interests of working people. Community is looking to the future, working hard to ensure the union is responsive and meets the needs of the modern worker. 

The Community model – a focus on partnership, a concern with wider community issues, and support with learning and development – is effective. Despite the considerable fall in trade union membership in the last few years, Community has been successful in retaining and growing its membership. 

You can join Community here 


Promoted by Joe Fortune on behalf of the Co-operative Party, both at Unit 13, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BQ, United Kingdom.
Co-operative Party Limited is a registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 30027R

