We depend on members’ subscriptions and donations. Your support ensures we can campaign for co-operation, develop new ideas, support Co-operative Party candidates and hold local events. Help us campaign for a society where people are put before profit, and profit has a social purpose. No matter how large or small the contribution, every penny will make a difference. Complete the form below to donate by Direct Debit (our preferred method) – if you prefer, click here to donate using your credit/debit card. How would you like to give?*I'd like to give a monthly donationI'd like to increase my current monthly donationHow much would you like to give monthly?*£5 Could enable us to reach 15,000 people with a Facebook ad, promoting key campaign messages to a highly targeted audience£10Could pay for us to contact 1,200 people by text message to get them on board with our campaigns£25Could fund one subsidised place for a young person to attend our annual training event and learn all the skills needed to promote the co-operative movement in local communitiesOther amountHow much would you like to increase your monthly donation by?*£2£5£10£15Other amountRegular gift amount* Increase gift by amount* Please debit my account each month by the below amount: £ 0.00 Debits will appear on your statement from 'the Co-operative Party'. If you are also a member of the Party, your donation will be taken in addition to your regular membership subscription, which will be processed as usual.Your detailsPlease check that the details below are correct.Name* First Last Email* PhonePlease list the mobile or landline number you would prefer us to contact you in in case of any enquiries about your donationAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Please pay The Co-operative Party Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with The Co-operative Party and details may be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. Account Name* First Last Please enter your name as it appears on your accountSort code (6 digits)*Account number (8 digits)*Keeping in touchWe would like to keep you updated about our campaigns, events and opportunities to get involved. We will not share your data and you can unsubscribe at any time. (Read our Privacy Policy) I’m happy to receive email updates from the Co-operative Party Terms and conditions* I confirm that I have read and accept the Co-operative Party donations terms and conditions. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. Contents£5£10£25Your details