Environmental and consumer protections. Taking on the payday lenders. Securing a credit union for the armed forces.
History shows that when we’re bold and ambitious, the Co-operative Party and co-operative movement can achieve great things that change our world.
It’s time to unleash a new era of co-operative activism – and we want to help you to lead it.
Over the next few months, our new Co-operative Action Network will be working alongside Stella Creasy MP, Co-operative Party members and supporters across the country with a series of workshops and events designed to help develop our campaigning as a party. We will be working with old and new members to ensure we have the skills and networks to lead local, regional and national change.
Furthermore, for our movement to succeed, it’s time to reach out beyond our Party, bringing together our friends and neighbours. Therefore if you have friends and fellow activists who you think would enjoy taking part in these workshops please feel free to share this invitation with them too.
We have to show why co-operative values are relevant, and how co-operation can tackle the problems facing our communities in 2016 and beyond.