Our online inaugural Conference is dedicated to the work of our member-led Equalities Networks and addressing intersectional themes.
10.00 - 10.20: Welcome & Showcase:
10.20 - 10.50: Panel Discussion: Making Safer Communities - Tackling Hate Crime, speakers include:
10.50: Comfort break
11.00: Welcome back
11.05 - 11.45: Panel Discussion: Pushing Back Barriers - Standing for Election, speakers include:
11.45 - 12.25: Panel Discussion: Cost of Living Crisis & Impact on Minority Groups, speakers include:
12.25: Summary of morning's discussions
12.30: Lunch break
1pm - 1:45pm
LGBTQ+ Co-operators
3.15pm - 4pm
Women's Network
1:45pm - 2.30pm
BAME Co-operators
4pm - 4.45pm
(dis)Abiity Network
2.30pm - 3.15pm
Youth Network