Get help with your ACV campaignFour steps to listing the places that make your community special Every community has places that make them special. Whether it’s a pub, a music venue, a leisure centre, cinema or football ground, these places are absolutely central to what make our areas what they are, what we love about our communities, and even our
Four steps to listing the places that make your community specialFour steps to listing the places that make your community special Every community has places that make them special. Whether it’s a pub, a music venue, a leisure centre, cinema or football ground, these places are absolutely central to what make our areas what they are, what we love about our communities, and even our
Campaign Guide: Getting Councils Community Right to Buy ReadyCampaign Guide:Getting Community Right to Buy Ready We know how important our local assets are to our communities. Whether that be the local pub, shop, music venue, cinema or leisure centre, its places like these that make up the social fabric of communities across the country – bringing people together and acting as the backdrop
Featured Unleashing Community OwnershipA report by the Community Ownership Commission, published with support from the Co-operative Party.
5th July 2012 A vision of Local Participation – A new Co-operative Councillor’s Perspective Alex Sobel
30th April 2012 Cllr Tudor Evans: Co-operative vision can be achieved through hard work Cllr Tudor Evans