Step 1 of 4 25% Select a membership rate:*Solidarity Rate£5.80 per monthStandard Rate £3.80 per monthReduced Income£2.80 per monthYouth (14-19) £3 per year100 Club £8.50 per month Includes free Conference tickets & Thank You Gift1917 Club £19.17 per month Includes free Conference tickets, copies of our publications & Thank You Gift Name* CllrMrMsMrsMissMxDrRev Title First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Address* Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Town/City Postcode Phone*Date of birth* DD MM YYYY About you (Optional)These questions let us know more about our members and facilitate membership of our Equalities Networks. If you would prefer not to answer you can skip to the next step.Do you consider yourself black, asian or minority ethnic (BAME)?YesNoPrefer not to sayDo you consider yourself to have a disability?YesNoPrefer not to sayDo you consider yourself to be LGBTQ+?YesNoPrefer not to say How would you like to pay for your 1917 Club membership?£19.17 per month by Direct Debit£230 per year by Direct DebitThis includes an additional donation to the Party, as well as a variety of extra benefits including a copy of our publications and a free tickets to events such as our Annual Conference. You'll also be listed as a supporter in our Annual Report.How would you like to pay for your 100 Club membership?£8.50 per month by Direct Debit£100 per year by Direct DebitThis includes an additional donation to the Party, as well as a variety of extra benefits including free tickets to events such as our Annual Conference. You'll also be listed as a supporter in our Annual Report.How would you like to pay for your Solidarity Rate membership?£5.80 per month by Direct Debit£69.60 per year by Direct DebitThis includes an additional donation to the Party.How would you like to pay for your Standard Rate membership?£3.80 per month by Direct Debit£45.60 per year by Direct DebitHow would you like to pay for your Reduced Income Rate membership?£2.80 per month by Direct Debit£33.60 per year by Direct DebitHow would you like to pay for your Youth Rate membership?£3 per year by Direct DebitWe rely on the support of members like you to build our vision of a better Britain. Would like to make an additional donation to help us?*- Please Select -Yes, I would like to make a one-off donationYes, I would like to make a monthly donationYes, I would like to make an annual donationNo, not at the momentIf you would like to make an additional donation, please put an amount below: Please pay The Co-operative Party Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with The Co-operative Party and details may be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.Name(s) of Account Holder(s)* Please enter your name as it appears on your accountBank Account Number (8 Digits)*Sort Code (6 Digits)*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. Why stay a member? We are the political voice of the co-operative movement, working with the Labour Party to build a society where power and wealth are shared. The Co-operative Party is powered by the support of our thousands of members – join today and help us own the future. Join the co-operative movement and show your support for an economy that gives people a say and a stake. Vote in selections for Labour and Co-operative candidates in your area or get support to stand for election yourself. Take part in local, regional and online meetings, to elect officers, develop our campaigns and set our policy platform. Build our campaigns on issues from food justice to fair trade, community assets, fair tax and public ownership. Get involved in our member-led equalities networks for BAME, Disability, LGBTQ+, Women and Youth members. Receive a Co-operative Party membership card and regular updates, including copies of The Pioneer magazine. ContentsStep 1 of 4 About you (Optional)Why stay a member?