Officer Support Mailing March 2018

John Boyle
For attention of:
28th March 2018
Last updated:
28th March 2018
16th July 2024
Other formats:

The Officer Support Mailing is a summary of important information, events and actions that local activists need to know and do. We know that not everyone reads it so please check with the other officers in your branch, party council or region to ensure that this information is seen and shared by everyone who needs to act on it.

You can always find the latest information and guidance on the Officer Hub –

Things to do!

Annual Conference 2018
Women in the Co-operative Party
Fairtrade Fortnight - send us your photos
Party Officer Hub and Handbook
Co-operative Society Activity
Membership Hub
Political activity
Action Points
  • Fairtrade Fortnight
    Send us your stories and pictures
  • Co-operatives Fortnight 23rd June to 7th July
    Plan your event now & send us details so that we can help
  • Annual Conference
    Bristol Grand Hotel - 12-14 October. Save the date and look out for the launch of delegate registration next week
For more information

John Boyle, Party Support and Principle Six Officer

John Boyle

Party Support and Principle Six Officer
