Submitting Annual Accounts to the Electoral Commission

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
23rd January 2019
Last updated:
23rd January 2019
16th July 2024
Other formats:

All national, regional and local parties whose income or expenditure for 2018 was over £25,000 must submit their Annual Accounts to the Electoral Commission by 30 April 2019.

All parties should be finalising their annual accounts for 2018.  If your income or expenditure was over £25,000, you must send a copy of your accounts to the Electoral Commission.  NB – this will only apply to very few parties but please check.

If you do reach the threshold, see the Electoral Commission guidance or contact Karen Wilkie if you are not sure what you need to do.

Action Points
  • Do you need to submit your accounts to the Electoral Commission?
    Check whether your Party's income or expenditure was over £25,000 on 2018
For more information
Karen Wilkie

Deputy General Secretary