Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
, ,
10th July 2020
Last updated:
10th July 2020
Business Type:
16th July 2024
Other formats:

This briefing outlines the Co-operative Party's response to the Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse and reminds officers and elected representatives of our policy on Safeguarding, which applies to all our events and activity

The Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse Investigations Report on allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster was published on 25 February 2020, and made the following recommendation relevant to the Co-operative Party:

Recommendation 3: Government, political parties and other Westminster institutions must have whistleblowing policies and procedures which cover child sexual abuse and exploitation. Every employee must be aware that they can raise any concerns using these policies and that the policies are not limited to concerns specific to a person’s employment.

The Inquiry expects that institutions to whom recommendations are addressed will act upon its recommendations and – in the interest of transparency and openness – asks that each institution publishes details of the steps they will take in response to the recommendation, including the timetable involved.

Actions and Timetable
Safeguarding Policy
Action Points
  • Safeguarding Policy
    Ensure that members and attendees are aware of this policy at our events and activities (More)
  • Whistleblowing
    If you have any concerns on safeguarding contact Karen Wilkie or another staff member immediately
For more information
Karen Wilkie

Deputy General Secretary