NEC Update – Summer 2023

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
11th July 2023
Last updated:
11th July 2023
16th July 2024
Other formats:

This newsletter updates officers and activists on the work of the NEC. Please share this with your members but remember that this is an internal document, not to be shared externally or on social media.

The NEC is elected every three years and, following changes to the structure of the NEC agreed at the Party’s AGM in 2022 and elections in Spring 2023, the new NEC met for the first time for a full weekend of induction and the AGM in June.

You can find details of the NEC on the Party’s website here: NEC Members – Co-operative Party

Jim McMahon MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was re-elected as Chair of the Party.  Ruth Hall, who represents Scotland on the NEC, was elected Vice-Chair.

Jamie McMahon and Lucy Naylor were elected as the Co-operative Party’s representatives to Labour’s National Policy Forum.

The NEC elected members to serve on the Audit, Policy, Staffing & Remuneration and Disputes Sub Committees and also discussed quarterly reports (see General Secretary’s and recruitment & membership report below) and membership subscriptions for 2024.

Membership Subscriptions 2024
General Secretary's Report
Strategic Objective: Support the election of co-operators at all levels of government
Strategic Objective: Enable the Delivery of Co-operative Solutions Locally, Regionally and Nationally
Strategic Objective: Inspire and educate our audiences about the achievements and potential of the co-operative movement.
Strategic Objective: Have an engaged, diverse and growing individual and organisational membership that values the Party and its work
Strategic Objective: Ensure the Party is organisationally and financially sustainable
Recruitment & Membership
Local Elections 2023
Co-operative Party Ltd AGM
Contacting the NEC
For more information

Karen Wilkie, Board Secretary

Karen Wilkie