30th September 2015 Stella Creasy Fraternal Greetings benwest Fraternal greetings from the Co-operative Party to Labour Conference 2015 delivered by Stella Creasy MP
22nd September 2015 Power for a purpose Stella Creasy MP Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow & Co-op Party NEC Member for London Full text of speech delivered by Stella Creasy MP at this year's Co-operative Party Annual Conference
14th September 2015 Labour leadership statements benwest During the campaign, we asked candidates to explain how they'll work with the co-operative movement. Here's what the two winners had to say
4th September 2015 Vision 2020: Co-operative Party Policy Shane Brogan Membership Manager We want to hear what you think about policy development for the next five years.
30th July 2015 Your local buses benwest As we know bus services are vital. They are vital for many reasons, whether it is access to work, family or education.
22nd June 2015 Community Empowerment Bill Passed Claudia Beamish MSP for South Scotland and Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change On Wednesday in the Scottish Parliament the Community Empowerment Bill passed its final stages and became law.
19th June 2015 Nominations open for National Youth Committee Shane Brogan Membership Manager Play your part and help our work in engaging a new generation in politics and co-ops
15th June 2015 Co-operatives Fortnight Marked in the Scottish Parliament Johann Lamont Chair, Co-operative Party Scottish Parliament Group As a Co-operative Party MSP I recognise the importance of co-operation to Scotland’s politics.