11th March 2015 Mary Barbour and the feminist university James AdamsJames Adams is one of the Councillors for Govan Ward and a member of the Co-operative Party. A leading co-operator and early campaigner for maternity pay, suffrage and a national minimum wage: it's high time Mary Barbour's contribution was recognised.
4th March 2015 Co-operative Councillor named Council Leader of the Year benwest Councillor Tudor Evans the Labour and Co-operative leader of Plymouth City Council has been named Council Leader of the Year at the LGiU Councillor Achievement Awards Ceremony.
20th February 2015 Co-operative Party welcomes Allan Leighton’s appointment as Co-operative Group Chair benwest 'Keep it Co-op' campaign will support Co-op Group's mission to change Britain for the better
13th February 2015 British Public backs Co-operative Party call to build a ‘John Lewis’ Economy benwest
9th February 2015 Ed Miliband backs Co-op Party call for employee buy-outs benwest Ed Miliband has promised a new era of employee ownership which will give working people a bigger voice in how businesses are run.
26th January 2015 Jim Murphy commits to a People’s ScotRail benwest A future Labour & Co-operative government has committed to a publicly-owned People's Scotrail