19th March 2014 Scottish Procurement Bill benwest The Bill provides a golden opportunity to support co-op enterprises across Scotland. But Nicola Sturgeon is standing in the way.
18th March 2014 Kezia Dugdale MSP welcomes commitment to co-op councils Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Scottish Labour Devolution Commission backs co-operative councils and co-operatively run services
11th March 2014 Statement on the resignation of Euan Sutherland benwest Commenting on the resignation of Co-op Group Chief Executive Euan Sutherland, Gareth Thomas MP said:
11th March 2014 Co-ops need more support from LEPs Jim Dobbin Co-ops and social enterprises are key to community-driven economic growth – but they need better support.
28th February 2014 Leading the way on fair tax Paul Monaghan Chief Executive of Fair Tax Mark The scandal of corporate tax avoidance is now a key issue for consumers. And with the launch of the Fair Tax Mark, Co-operatives are leading the way.
26th February 2014 Tributes to Lord Bilston benwest Figures across the Party have been paying tribute to Dennis Turner, Lord Bilston, whose death was announced on Wednesday.
25th February 2014 Getting Added Value for the Public Purse James Kelly In Scotland, we're fighting to make sure that taxpayer's money delivers the maximum benefit for local communities and workers.
21st February 2014 A Co-operative Vision for Wales Huw Lewis Political and Membership Officer (Wales) Today's report sets out a bold vision for a Wales where Wales co-operative ways of doing business are the norm, not the exception.
18th February 2014 Should co-operatives have a political voice? Have your say. benwest As the Co-operative Group asks for the views of the public, it's important that the political role of the co-operative movement isn't lost.