18th February 2014 Should co-operatives have a political voice? Have your say. benwest As the Co-operative Group asks for the views of the public, it's important that the political role of the co-operative movement isn't lost.
6th February 2014 Our growing movement Alex Sobel The co-operative sector in Leeds is booming - as my afternoon spent visiting them with Karin Christiansen showed
31st January 2014 Big Energy Saving Week Jonathan Reynolds MP Secretary of State for Business and Trade After a successful Big Energy Saving Week, still more needs to be done to keep energy bills under control.
27th January 2014 Government policy undermining energy saving Ewan Jones Government policy has driven SME businesses onto the rocks, while the ‘Big Six’ energy suppliers sail serenely on.
27th January 2014 Foundation Hospitals – 10 years on Karin Christiansen Foundation hospitals were a radical step when introduced - but 10 years on, more work needs to be done to make them truly owned by their members.
22nd January 2014 Co-operation can drive innovation Su Maddock Developing economies are showing that co-operation can play a key role in technological and economic innovation
19th December 2013 Consumers need a single consumer champion Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Government's announcement on 'super complaints' is welcome, but consumers need it to go much further
19th December 2013 Kezia Dugdale highlights dangers of debt this Christmas benwest Co-operative Party MSP joined by Santa and the Citizens Advice Bureau at debate on regulation of payday lenders
5th December 2013 A People’s Railway for Scotland benwest The Co-operative Party calls for the creation of a 'People's Railway', owned by and for the people of Scotland