11th June 2013 Lack of commitment from Government on Energy Bill Joe Fortune General Secretary Energy Bill fails to provide much-needed support for co-operative and community energy schemes
14th May 2013 When is a Co-op not a Co-op? When it’s Cleveland Fire Service Anna Turley Parliamentary Vice Chair Lacking employee engagement or community support, the plans make a mockery of the term mutual
26th April 2013 Co-operative Party submission to Welsh Commission Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary
17th April 2013 Meg Munn MP: why I am bringing forward the Co-operative Schools Bill Meg Munn A Co-operative Schools Bill is the next landmark in the extraordinary story of co-operative education
4th February 2013 Housing Market Reform Bill Joe Fortune General Secretary The Co-operative Party's Chair Gareth Thomas MP has introduced a private members' bill calling reform the housing market.
20th December 2012 Labour Co-operative MPs call for commitment to co-ops in Energy Bill debate Joe Fortune General Secretary