24th February 2023 The first steps towards a sustainable future for football but the Government must hold its nerve Tom Greatrex Vice-Chair of the Football Supporters' Association and a former Labour & Co-operative MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West. We’re scrutinising the detail now but, as an initial assessment, the Football Governance White Paper addresses our key concerns around protecting against bad ownership and breakaway competitions whilst seeking to distribute football’s wealth in a more equitable manner throughout the game.
17th February 2023 Modern slavery victims need and deserve an independent watchdog. Emily Spurrell Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside That is why all seven Co-operative Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales have written to the Homes Secretary to call on her to fulfil her obligation to appoint the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.
8th February 2023 Making a Difference with Welsh Government on Employee Ownership Huw Irranca-Davies Chair of the Welsh Parliament Co-operative Group (Grwp Cydweithredol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) and Member of the Senedd for Ogmore How refreshing it always is when we have a Government committed to co-operation in values and in action. It means that when we as co-operators push the case for co-operation, we have Ministers who open the door to do more.
8th February 2023 The ownership of our local Pub is under threat – so together, we’re working to save it. James Murray MP Parliamentary Secretary (Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury) for HM Treasury Too often we hear of pubs and other important social assets simply being sold off and lost to the local community. A mission of the next Labour Government, with support from the Co-operative Party, must be to give people in local villages, towns, and cities across the country the crucial control they need to help protect the community assets that bind them together.
6th February 2023 Why you should stand as Labour and Co-operative. Cllr Paul Stewart Councillor on Sunderland City Council If you are thinking of standing as Labour and Co-operative in May, here's my advice.
6th February 2023 Why Sunderland signed the Fair Tax Declaration – and how it fits with our co-operative vision Cllr Graeme Miller Leader of Sunderland City Council Why did we sign the Fair Tax Declaration? The short answer is that we signed it because it’s fundamentally the right thing to do!
3rd February 2023 Time to Talk about Mental Health Paul O’Kane MSP for West Scotland On Thursday, I was pleased to submit a motion to the Scottish Parliament to mark Time to Talk Day 2023.
1st February 2023 The Government must act to end financial corruption once and for all. Rob Bates Former Political and Parliamentary Officer We need action to ensure that tax avoiders, money launders and others who undermine British businesses and communities have nowhere to hide.
30th January 2023 Why we must grow the employee-owned sector Derek Walker CEO of Cwmpas At last some good news! Employee-ownership continues to grow significantly across the UK. This is a positive story for employees, the economy and society as a whole.