18th March 2021 Edinburgh Community Solar Co-operative: the Co-operative movement making a difference! Lesley Hinds
8th March 2021 On International Women’s Day, will you #ChooseToChallenge? Tracy Brabin Metro Mayor for West Yorkshire Women consistently face systemic barriers to taking part in politics. The result isn’t just that women are less likely to put themselves forward for office: they’re less likely to engage in crucial parts of the political process, like joining political parties.
7th March 2021 Newest Co-op Councillor outlines Co-op Difference Peter Kelly Councillor for Fortissat, North Lanarkshire
5th March 2021 Beyond the headlines: a budget that doesn’t call time on inequality Anna Birley We know that our co-operative movement, and its values and principles, hold the key to a fairer, more sustainable recovery. But, analysing this week's budget shows that behind the headlines, this budget falls short.
3rd March 2021 New community-led housing offers hope to London’s older LGBTQ+ community Matthew Bennett Labour and Co-operative councillor in Lambeth and the borough’s cabinet member for planning, investment and new homes. Yesterday, Tonic Housing made history - new funding secured from the Mayor of London means they will become the UK's first LGBTQ+ retirement community. Their success is a powerful testament to the power of communities co-operating together to find solutions to the problems they face.
2nd March 2021 Long Read: How could tomorrow’s budget hardwire fairness into our economy? Anna Birley Tomorrow's budget comes at a critical moment for our country - and it must call time on inequality, and rebuild a fairer economy which is based on our co-operative values of sharing power and wealth - giving every community a stake and a say and ensuring no-one is excluded.
1st March 2021 Young voters in Wales like me are ready to have their voice heard Poppy Stowell-Evans Youth Climate Ambassador for Wales, Newport Youth Council and Newport East CLP Youth Officer As a 16 year old in Wales, I’ll be a first time voter this May. This is a prospect I find incredibly exciting - and I hope decision makers will value the youth voice with the gravity it deserves.