Blog – Page 43 – Co-operative Party
20 pounds bank of england

We need a law to protect Access to Cash

The Shadow Chancellor is right: without urgent action, our sudden acceleration to a 'cashless society' risks leaving the most vulnerable behind.

Building common ground

From housing to schools to regeneration, Councillor Alan Hall explains how co-operative values are put into action in his local area.

Improving diversity in local government

Empowering BAME members and celebrating the achievements of our diverse councillors - the Party's new Equalities Officer shares an update on the latest training opportunities.

The Co-operative Party’s equalities journey

In her first weeks as the Co-operative Party's new Equalities Officer, Chantal Lee reflects on the ways in which the Co-operative Party and movement have championed equality, opportunities to improve diversity in politics and public life, and how she will help to lead the next, exciting chapter as we strive for a fairer and more equal society.