18th June 2020 Four out of five Scots agree: no bailouts for tax avoiders Rhoda Grant MSP MSP for Highlands and Islands
18th June 2020 Post-lockdown, community pubs and venues will be needed more than ever – but many are facing closure. Cllr Nick Small Labour & Co-operative Councillor for Central Ward, Liverpool In Liverpool, Co-op Party councillors have used the Assets of Community Value (ACV) register to protect and boost community pubs and venues.
17th June 2020 The key to Owning the Future Nick Matthews Chair of Co-ops UK Co-operatives are more resilient and sustainable than conventional business - and driven by their values they have risen to the challenge of this crisis and helped their communities. As we rebuild the economy after Covid-19, co-operatives offer us all a say and a stake in a fairer economy.
15th June 2020 We must face our history in Bristol, but also work to create a more equal future. Cllr Asher Craig Deputy Mayor of Bristol and Councillor for St George West Ward In years to come I don’t want people to look at recent events in Bristol and dwell on the removal of a statue. I want people to see a city which is more and not less equal than it is now, where people of all backgrounds challenge racism and inequality.
12th June 2020 We must harness the hard work and creativity of Scottish communities to end inequality and build a fair economy Richard Leonard Leader of the Scottish Labour Party Just as Scotland was unprepared for this public health crisis, so too are we unprepared for the upcoming crisis in our economy.
12th June 2020 Avoiding an economic cliff edge means narrowing inequality. To do this, more people need a stake in our economy. Anneliese Dodds MP Minister of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development and Minister for Women and Equalities History has taught us that caring for communities, tackling climate change, protecting workers and consumers, and sharing wealth more fairly cannot be left to the market alone.
11th June 2020 By working together we can build new strength and new solidarity into our communities Mark Drakeford First Minister of Wales We must again draw on the Co-operative Party's ideas and values if we are to re-think and re-cast the Wales of tomorrow in the face of this current moment of disruption and change.
10th June 2020 I say loudly and clearly: Black Lives Matter Vaughan Gething Labour & Co-operative MS and Welsh Government Minister for Health and Social Care This movement and the giants upon whose shoulders it stands paved the way for me and others like me not just to be here, but to hold positions like the one I do as Wales’ Health Minister.
9th June 2020 Relaxing Sunday trading: unnecessary, unwelcome, and unlikely to provide the boost our economy needs Lucy Powell MP Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons For those retail workers who have done so much to support us all during the crisis, these changes would put greater pressure on them.