20th November 2017 Scottish Co-operative Party Nominee Elected Leader of Scottish labour Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) The Scottish Co-operative Party is looking forward to working with Richard Leonard to deliver a more co-operative and a more democratic economy for Scotland.
20th November 2017 Why Britain’s big energy companies are celebrating Christmas early – and what we can do about it. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer Anna Heard As the UK's big energy companies celebrate record profits, an energy co-operative in New Zealand is showing what happens when we make customers the shareholders.
16th November 2017 Apps don’t exploit people, broken markets do. Anna Heard Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer As technological change transforms the workplace, some would like you to believe that exploitation is an inevitable consequence. Co-operatives and trade unions are showing it doesn't have to be.
9th November 2017 With ‘fairly traded’ tea, Sainsbury’s is pouring its own reputation down the drain Anna Heard With its 'fairly traded' tea, the supermarket seems intent on ruining its own well-earned reputation as a leader on Fairtrade
6th November 2017 Accidental tax avoidance? In a system this broken it’s easy – just ask the Queen. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer We're rightly outraged by a broken system - but it falls to all of us to hard-wire accountability and responsibility back in.
6th November 2017 After Friday’s reshuffle, the Welsh Cabinet has now has more Co-operative AMs than ever Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary In Friday’s Welsh Government reshuffle, Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones invited the highest number of Labour and Co-operative AMs to date into his ministerial team.
3rd November 2017 Co-operative Party Youth Back Votes at 16 Stephen Barry-Stanners Regional Organiser (North East and North Cumbria & Yorkshire and the Humber) / Membership Support Assistant Thomas Renhard Today Parliament will debate a Bill tabled by Labour & Co-operative MP Jim McMahon, which could see an end to the block on votes for 16 and 17 year-olds. Here, two members of the Co-operative Party Youth Committee share their thoughts on the Bill.
2nd November 2017 Regulators just fined BrightHouse for vulture lending practices. Here’s how we take them off the high street for good. Anna Heard With the FCA clamping down on rent-to-own lenders, credit unions are taking them on with a fair and ethical alternative of their own.
31st October 2017 Centenary Banner Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer Unveiled at Durham Miners’ Gala in July, the Party’s new marching banner celebrates our past, as well as being something to pass on to future generations of members. Ben West explains the significance of the design.